Wednesday 19 October 2011

The Beer Festival

On Monday night I heard the sad news that an old drinking mate of mine had passed away this Summer. Not through drink, but from a massive epileptic fit (which he'd suffered with all his life).

I had a request for some pictures of him to feature in this years programme, and as I went through all my old pictures (and videos) one thing kept showing, and that was what a smiley, friendly and funny bloke he was. Not one shot showed him with a sad face. That says a lot.

I will greatly miss you Stuart from this years Beer Festival. May you rest in "Barrel Heaven"

Stuart in 2006

Stuart in 2010

Stuart Rayment R.I.P.



  1. Worked with Stuart - these photos capture him in his glory!

  2. Looking at people in photographs that you know have gone is a really bittersweet thing to do. A Real reminder of just how melancholic pictures can be
