Thursday 23 June 2011

Speaking of things disappearing

Where'd your posts keep disappearing to lol



  1. lol! I love Shuttleworth. The posts will reappear at some time . . . need to elaborate some more on them. The family one is inspired by Diane's blog!

  2. I also love Shuttleworth: follow him on twitter he's understatedly hilarious {as ever}
    "Many thanks to my son for a fantastic father's day gift - a 1kg bag of cashews and a bottle of Bavarian lager. Thanks, son!"

  3. Saw him last year in town, got some video from the show somewhere. Dee bought a fridge magnet, an extravagant purchase given that she's got it stuck to a fridge with two margarine's on the go. I

    I'm a bit concerned about her at the mo, you know. She Came back with a 7kg bottle of calor gas the other day when a 4.5kg bottle was available. I said Dee, yer crazy, yer getting above yerrself luv.

    This next tracks called insane with the butane

    ooof... hey
