Tuesday 14 June 2011

The joy of procrastination

I love procrastination. It's me all over.

Another lot from the local auction and another story. Boxes and boxes of camera gear and sifting through I came across this:

Two eyes and a sad face.

There is exposed film here, latent for decades and decades. I know because this camera is old, and a bit of a classic.

Carrying on through the boxes I came across another three cameras with exposed film. I'm always careful checking old cameras for film, never too eager to open up. Turns out four cameras have exposed films inside. I'll process them sometime soon, maybe.

At least with this story I have some hard facts to use, unlike the box of glass plates . . . . procrastinate again!

Maybe I'm longing for nostalgia? . . . . nope . . . . I love the history. There is a good blog post from Joerg Colberg on the subject of nostalgia  here



  1. I take it there was a dictionary in the box too? Develop those films - NOW!

  2. As far as looking for good photographs go, you can look at is as prospecting . You sift through a lot of dirt to get to the gold. Bad pictures do not get better with age, they're just older bad pictures. The kid who found Vivian Maiers work struck gold. There's a lot of nostalgia involved and its a great story. She's no Helen Levitt, not even close.

    Good or bad you want them to fall in to sympathetic hands.

    I think this post by Colberg suits what you're trying to do better


  3. No one can even get close to Levit. The thing with Meier is she's like all of us, she was a head of our time in her activity (snaps in the street) and incredibly observant for the finer details of life.

    Everyone and the iPod is a "street" photographer. Right?


  4. Most of greatest street photographers (including Levitt) were self taught. In that respect they're like most of us, it's the pictures that set them apart.
