Monday 2 April 2012

Polyfoto 2012

As the clock ticked over and it is now officially my Birthday I thought I'd do my own Polyfoto in some sort of memory of Jean Gordon. Lots of people did back then, it looked like Jean treasured that memory.

I am 48 years old now, it scares me. I showed a photograph of my Dad to my Dad once and he said "who's that?". Think I know what he meant now.

48 pictures . . .

and a fave vid!



  1. great set!
    age is only a number and in my head we are still only 10 and at juniors:
    happy birthday Ken ☯

  2. Belated birthday greetings mate. A fine figure of a man at any age!. Surely those fine pictures are from your 28th, no?

    I reached the grand old age of 40 1/2 on the 24th of March. I've not been interviewed about it, I've seen nothing in the press.

    2nd of April was also a minnie celebration to for us as we paid the car off! Like a minnie mortgage jeez!

  3. Thank you Dee, I feel much the same!

    Cheers Sean! It's my Birthday today, was waiting for it to go past midnight last night.


  4. Happy Birthday mate, got thrown by it saying the 2nd on the entry!

  5. I think Blogger must have some sort of time shift.
