Thursday 19 March 2015

Dad's Birthday

It's late at night (or early morning) and it's Dad's Birthday today (20th). I wish he was around to share the solar eclipse, I know he would have loved to have experienced it.

Happy Birthday Dad!



  1. I have just been in your On Going gallery on pbase. I suspected that you might have posted this picture here, and I was right.

    I took quite a few shots during the eclipse. It's going to be my next post

    I do enjoy going through your On Going, gallery and envy it at the same time. I can't recall ever having put up a picture of my dad, here. I think I have one tucked away somewhere, and a pair of his glasses. I actually had an idea that I would don his glasses and try to take pictures through his eyes so that the On Going anger I have regarding him, might end. It has eclipsed most of the good thoughts I have of him


