Monday 13 April 2015

Ruskin's View - My View

Diane - Church Brow Cottage - overlooking Ruskin's View - Kirby Lonsdale

I took this picture from the grounds of St Mary's Church, in the beautiful Cumbrian village of Kirkby Lonsdale. I was stood in the same churchyard where turner stood to paint, Kirkby Londsdale Churchyard 

He did this after reading Wordsworth's advice:
"By no means omit looking at the Vale of Lune from the Churchyard"

Diane is stood at the gate of Church Brow Cottage with The Lune Vally In the background. It’s a partial view of what is famously known as Ruskin’s view. Ruskin described the view as: "One Of The Loveliest Scenes in England, Therefore, the world"

I failed to come away with a good picture of the beautiful churchyard (but then who would dare to try after Turner?). Nor did I come away with a good picture of Ruskin’s view. But I had another view in mind, one that I happen to think is one of the finest in England.  



  1. my sister lives in Kendal and took me to Kirby Lonsdale: sweet place:
    does Ruskin's view still have those brightly coloured barns behind it? the farmer had a wrangle with the authorities and painted them so!
    want to visit Ruskin's house next time I'm that way:
    last time we went to Wordsworth's house and found Kurt Schwitters grave!
    lots to see always

  2. Hi Dee,

    Yeah, it was there when I was last there (2011).
    I've got a picture of it somewhere. I think he could have gone a bit more acid with the colours. Maybe as angry as he was, he just couldn't bring himself to crank it up to eleven

    You can rent that cottage. It's pricey, but four people (it's a 2 bed) would take the sting out of it.
