Monday 16 May 2011

I've not been to London for a couple of years, now. We're at home in most cities, you'll never see me sat on a beach, it's just not me. We love London and I'm really looking forward to the expo and seeing THE SMITHS

London's a street photographers dream and though I don't shoot the street like I used to, I recon I can still bring it...

                                                                  My bus stop home
I'm sat on a bar stool here and shot this kid through the window asking the girl for change.She grabbed her phone

                                  I'll tell a tale about this sad looking girl tomoz

I knocked a pint over with my camera one time in this bar, the glass shattered and broke the chilled out vibe. Everybody starred

    Me and Dee shared the other sofa, I had three lenses on the table out of shot
               Same bar

Another of my bus stops home

Fecking shot this one in jpeg like a twat. It really does look close to how you see it
And this one too on the same night & bar. They're hard to edit as I was already dragging every bit out of the camera and lens I could get and jpeg was a real mistake. But It's a good example of how you can hide in plain sight as these guys just forgot me

This track would have made Ansel Adam's want to shoot the street