Tuesday 31 May 2011



My name's Sean and I'm a strobist...

Man that's a load off, a great weight has been lifted. I've been living with the shame and the guilt for far too long, it's good to share it here. It's a higher power, one higher than my 4 AA's that run my 580's that gave me the courage to do this today.

"Yeah, that's it. Lots of flash and no meaning"

Chief Wiggum

I'm not gonna get all Shore here, I'll just say that Wiggum's words rings in my ears every time I use strobes and almost every time I view strobist type shots. It plays havoc with any faith I have in doing it

You can have your faith restored.

                                                Doing it long before strobist existed

There's a debate on Strobist about it.

Having read a lot of the comments (138!) I can only say that a lot of people know more about flash than photography.


  1. Glad you've got that off your chest Sean :-)

  2. That's exactly what Diane said after she caught me wearing one of her bras
