Monday 4 April 2011

Babes in the wood

 Not only was it Grand Master Smiths Birthday yesterday, it was Mothering Sunday to.

I'm not a mother and my own passed when I was 19. We've yet to have kids of our own (19 years and counting) so we borrowed a mother for the day, our friend Dawn. The little girl is Jessica and she a rare and beautiful child. The mental pros and cons list I have about parenthood have thus far led me to opting out of having children. Diane has her own reason's none of which have anything to do with not loving children, we both love kids. I think we just love each other more, so much more that we don't want children ruining it. Maybe that's counter intuitive, children are meant to be born out of love after all. Well I can't talk about people I don't know, but  those that I do know with children seem less in love and less happy with their partners than me and Diane. It might be wrong to make a judgement like that, but it's on my cons list. I've seen a lot of love dissolve rather than evolve through the  pressures of raising kids.

Obviously our cons list is longer than our pros list. I'm from a large family, I'm an Uncle 20 times over and the only one in the family yet to have children. My mother was one of twelve, I have sixty cousins on her side alone, most of our friends have children. We are very much in the minority & we do review the list from time to time and like I said it's 19 years and counting, and Diane's clock is ticking.

Jessica's on the pros list, she almost outweighs all the cons on her own. To the left of the Girls out of shot is Diane holding the light.

                                                             Did I mention the rain and hailstones

1 comment:

  1. a gorgeously rich shot:
    with a refreshing honest post:
    sometimes it is enough to be a parent 'figure':
    to be there for the kids that surround you:
    that has it's pros and cons too!
