Thursday 28 April 2011

Sharpen this

Got myself a new prime. A 35mm f2.0. Bloody sharp and little distortion, I love it. Also got my old Lensbaby and there is some sort of play between them. Today the Baby won.

Anyway, sharpness is not an issue with the LB in my view. There is a halo round Dave's head in this, but not in the original, which is down to me in my quick processing and lack of patience.

But I loose focus sometimes. Sharpening has always been a dificult one for me.


  1. Ken it's all blurry round the sides. I think your lens is defective

  2. "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept"

    Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Let us not forget though that Henri had his lenses custom coated by Leica. He had the best tools available to a shooter at the time.

    "Develop an infallible technique, then put yourself at the mercy of inspiration"

    Zen maxim.

    There's no getting away from it, gear is important to photographers. Whatever methods we use to get an image should be like breathing so we can just forget about it and get on with the business of taking photographs.

    The way that many people view images now has changed, but what hasn't or shouldn't change is the care and attention to detail needed for making our images as good as they can be for the given audience. It is a visual medium after all. We can't control all the variables online but we should have full control and mastery over the ones we can.

    I think that Zen maxim should used for taking and for making photographs.
