Tuesday 19 April 2011

Tangled up in weeds

Apologies for being a little quiet. I have more or less spent all of my time in 'The Garden'. The last few weeks of good weather has seen me make massive progress and I think if this carries on things will be good by the Summer.

I lost steam again today.

Anyway . . . I made a clearing to Angie's apple tree where she used to sit and dream as a child and I took this shot today.

Three years ago


  1. Just how big is this garden of yours, oh master of the lens baby. I feel sorry for myself when I've got to mow the lawn

    I really should try getting a bit creative with my tilt and shift.

  2. I'm guessing it's just under an acre. It's been with Angie's family since they moved here. Takes me over 2 hours just to cut the grass!

    Added a shot from 3 years ago, the plan was to get it sorted then, but life threw a wobbly.

    Get that tilt shift out.

  3. Jesus H Smith! An Acre!

    Here I am in my little piece of England not knowing my pal and his good lady are part of the landed gentry!

  4. Not quite . . . we don't have a spare room for guests. A tiny house, not fit for any gentry. We used to live in a one bed flat with a garden that was 8 feet wide and 30 feet long.

    BTW did you see Angie's comment on her Granddad?

  5. Our back garden is 30ft by 30ft. We lived over an Indian take away for six years before we bought this place.

    You might not have a spare room mate but when I buy my tent I'm coming down! Do you allow naturists in your garden?

  6. Did you ever shoot where you lived?

    Tents and naturist are always welcome in The Garden.

  7. "Did you ever shoot where you lived?"

    I've got a few snaps somewhere. My history with photography is pretty short-maybe seven years.

    Had I picked up a camera in my teens and captured the stuff going on around me I'd have been a member of Magnum by now lol

    But I picked it up a camera during my 30's, my most chilled decade.
