Tuesday 26 April 2011

Turning it up to 11

Image sharpening, man I tell you... I just still haven't mastered it. I'm trying though and I think the best way to learn is by looking at photographs you admire. Over sharpened photographs are as bad as over saturated photographs and god awful over cooked HDR

A couple of examples of my own here

I recon I've just pushed it over the edge here, I think if you notice how sharp an image is you've taken it too far. 

This shots a little more subtle. I looked at the shot above and thought I'd over done it so I got one of Mark Steinmetz's books down and had a look. This guy is subtle, without doubt a master and a good lesson on less being more.

The light was very harsh whilst shooting. You'd avoid it most of the time, harsh light and over sharpened images are not a great combo.

I need to pay more attention to work like this

Part of the problem is that a lot of people with even the best gear today only see images on screen and they sharpen images for screen viewing. But that's not how photographs look in print-not well made prints anyway

I think I'm closer to the ideal here-but haven't reached it yet

 I've got to remind myself to keep the volume down

1 comment:

  1. Not 11 but just wanted to say I like the shots. Smiths are not dead yet.

    As for The Smiths . . . .
