Tuesday 12 April 2011

Here comes the science bit

Conclusive proof there in Kens last post that science is rubbish and I should go back to Catholicism or howling at the moon (howling at the moon is cheaper)

If truth be told I've always loved astronomy, my love for astronomy is older than my love for photography, it can reduce me to tears at times. Catholicism used to do that to me to but that was due to sadistic nuns at Saint Patrick Junior school. They didn't fill me with light they filled me with shite

I'd like to demonstrate my profound understanding of the universe and the methods I use to study it. My unique method of measuring celestial objects will prove to be more important than Edward Hubble's system of measurement that proved that the Milky Way is not the only galaxy in the universe.

I guess lesser brained scientists might measure the  moons distance from the earth using far inferior methods to my own and come up with figures like this

Perigee 363,104 km
Apogee  405,696 km
Semi-major axis  384,399 km.

All very well and good but there's a fatal flaw in their method of measuring the distance that the moon is from us. They've left Diane and our patio heater out of the equation.

 In this picture Diane is sat under our patio heater. She is six feet from the eastern side of reflector, the reflectors circumference is six feet, Diane's head's about 18inches. The moon is about half an inch from the eastern rim of the heater...

Using these methods I have deduced that the moon is 6ft and half of one inch from Diane's head. I've not worked out the figures yet but the size of her head compared to that of the moon appears to be what we scientists call...

Super fucking  massive


  1. I thought that was Saturn Diane was under.

  2. I'll have to do more calculations, Ken. But I do know she's Saturn Uranus
